1. Da ora in poi (28.9.1999)
2. 2000 (sett-dic.1999)
3. Il viale delle illusioni (gen. 2000)
4. Ingegnere, assessore... (feb 2000)
5. Lontano da qui (mar 2000)
6. The lawyer thief (29.4.2000)
7. Ma io che ci facevo lì (mag.2000)
- Production, realization and musics ANDREA CERRETANI
- Andrea it has used following strumenti:
- Guitars elettriche: Gibson E5335 and Fender Stratocaster
- Acoustic guitar: Ovation Pinnacle
- Classic guitar: Clarissa
- Drums: Boss DR RHYTNM 550
- All the not chitarristici sounds like pianoforte, keyboards, arch, low etc come from: Guitar Synthesizer Roland GR 09 (NO COMPUTER)
- Voices and choruses in "2000": Alessandro Dei, Gianni Meattini, Maurizio Fama-Tringali, Andrea Cerretani (NATINDISCIPLI NATI) thanks for the collaboration
Recorded October '99 - May 2000 in the Study AC.
Mixed in the Study "Le Carrozze Records" Andrea Cerretani and Vincenzo Vanni June/July 2000
Photo and Artistic Collaboration: Paolo Giudici
for contacts: andrea86@freemail.it
(you write also in order to leave your impressions)
Fondazione Siena Jazz

Musica Reale